Happy Hour with Stadium Tour – Thursday May 18, 2023

Buffalo Bills Highmark Stadium
One Bills Drive
Orchard Park, NY 14127
Parking Instructions: Type One Bills Drive into GPS. Enter through One Bills Drive, go straight through the guard shack (tell them you are here for the RIMS Meeting), they will direct you to park in the lot 2 which is on the left-hand side. Security will greet your guest in front of Gate 1 and direct them to M&T Club.
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2:30pm - 3:00pm - Registration
3:00pm - 7:00pm - Stadium tour, happy hour and networking! All drinks and appetizers included!
- Active Chapter Members: Covered by the Chapter
- Non-Members: $80 - Must be paid before event
- Cash
- Credit via PayPal
- Check payable to “RIMS Upstate NY Chapter” – Please email the Chapter Treasurer if you plan on making this form of payment; Anna.Ziegler@faef.com.
– Mail to: First American Equipment Finance
ATTN: Anna Ziegler
211 High Point Drive, 2nd Floor
Victor, NY 14564
If you need to cancel your registration, please email the Chapter Secretary by 5:00pm on the Friday preceding the meeting. Late cancellations will be charged the non-member fee.
Please note: Your registration will include food. If you do not plan on staying for the meal, please contact the Chapter Secretary. Help save your chapter money!
If you have any further questions, please contact the Chapter Secretary, Tara Grillo at tara.grillo@cbrands.com.