Chapter Meeting - Tuesday, September 24, 2019
New York Kitchen (Formally the NY Wine & Culinary Center) 800 South Main Street Canandaigua, NY 14424
8:30am – 9:00am Registration
9:00am – 9:15am Chapter Business Meeting & Legislative Updates
9:15am – 9:30 am Break
9:30am – 10:45am Presentation – “Swipe Right on Insurance”
10:45am – 11:00am Break
11:00am – 1:00pm Culinary Demonstration to include Lunch and Wine Pairing
“Swipe Right on Insurance”
Consumers--and therefore businesses-- rely on mobile apps to perform an ever-widening range of functions. As with any new technology, there are risks involved.
Often, mobile app users input highly sensitive data, including financial and health details. Mobile app use has accordingly triggered new waves of regulatory actions and civil litigation. The FDA has provided examples of how its authority may apply to mobile medical apps, while the FTC and other regulators have brought app-related enforcement actions based on alleged violations of privacy. Mobile app users have brought their own suits.
This session will cover risks associated with the use of mobile apps and social media, including types of insurance that may respond to these risks.
We will address: (1) risks for businesses that conduct financial transactions and/or interact with customers via these platforms; (2) potential coverage under traditional commercial and cyber policies; (3) what can be learned from past coverage disputes over web-based businesses; and (4) whether policyholders need to consider new insurance options tailored to liabilities arising from their use of mobile apps and social media.
Presented by: Dennis Nolan, Anderson Kill
- Active Member: Covered by the Chapter
- Non-Members: $60
If you need to cancel your registration, a mandatory email must be sent to the Chapter Secretary by 5:00pm on the Friday preceding the meeting. Late cancellations will be charged the non-member fee for lunch.
Please note: Your registration includes lunch. If you do not plan on staying for the meal, please contact the Chapter Secretary. Help save your chapter money!
If you have any further questions, please contact the Chapter Secretary, Vicki Froman at (716) 878-8894 or