Chapter Meeting -- Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Constellation Brands 207 High Point Drive Building 100 Victor NY 14564
Entering from Route 96, follow High Point Drive up the hill. Take first left and then take second left into the large open parking lot. You’ll see a colorful bench by large glass doors and want to enter through those front doors. Check in at front desk with Mary Ellen.
8:30am – 9:00am Registration and Breakfast
9:00am – 9:30am Chapter Business Meeting & Legislative Updates
9:30am – 10:00am Presentation 1: Getting the best results from IMEs
Mock IME demonstration
10:00am – 10:15am Break
10:15am – 10:45am Presentation 2: Legal defense to reduce claim costs
SAVE THE DATE: 4/20/18
You are invited to a special seminar ED Talks 4.0 For more information
The complexity of workers’ compensation claims continues to increase. Employers may question the true cause of an employee’s condition, what the best course of treatment is or if malingering or injury exaggeration exists. Considering these challenges, our insurance adjusters may request an independent medical examination (IME) to help determine the next step in the claim management process.
First Choice Evaluations and Nicosia Law will provide an overview of what are IME’s, when would you utilize them and how to ask the right questions to help mitigate claim costs on your workers’ compensation claim. Dr. Martin Gingras will offer additional insight on preparing information to ensure a quality IME. He will also present a further look into the IME from the physicians prospective with a step-by-step mock examination.
Presented by:
Kevin Duncan – First Choice Evaluations
Ed Nicosia – Nicosia Law, P. C.
Dr. Martin Gingras – Genesee Valley Orthopedics
- Active Member: Covered by the chapter
- Non-Members: $35 (Contact Chapter Secretary for meeting or breakfast only pricing)
- Cash
- Check
- Credit via PayPal
If you need to cancel your registration, a mandatory email must be sent to the Chapter Secretary, Anne Askloff, by 5:00pm on the Friday preceding the meeting. Late cancelations will be charged the non-member fee for lunch.
Please note: Your registration includes breakfast. If you do not plan on staying for the meal, please contact the Chapter Secretary. Help save your chapter money!
If you have any questions, please contact the Chapter Secretary, Anne Askloff.