
The Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc. (RIMS) is the world’s premier risk management organization. RIMS Upstate New York Chapter strives to provide value for our members through education, resources and networking opportunities.

Our not-for-profit local chapter is funded through only a small portion of our members’ annual membership dues. All other operating expenses are funded through registration fees from our fundraising events and sponsorships - which is why we are looking to collaborate with your organization!

We are pleased to extend this partnership opportunity to you in order to help our chapter reduce the costs of our local networking and educational events.  These sponosorships will allow us to provide our Risk Professionals top notch programming at the most exciting local venues!

Our chapter offers a variety of custom sponsoring opportunities which include sponsoring: 
- Chapter Meetings
- Happy Hours
- Golf Tournament
- Holiday Party

- Education Day

If you or your company would like to consider sponsoring a RIMS Upstate New York event this year, please contact,
Anne Askloff, Chapter President, at aaskloff@moog.com

Sponsoring one of our events is a great way to advertise to hundreds of local risk and insurance professionals!